Photonic Quantum Systems Group (PhoQuS) Led by Prof. Saikat Guha at the University of Maryland, College Park

Optimizing Entanglement to attain Quantum Limit of Long-Baseline Imaging

This project addresses fundamental research on one of the potentially-strongest use-cases of distributed entanglement—that of enhancing the performance of a network of sensors trying to work together to solve one task—specifically in the context of long-baseline imaging. This ambitious project brings together two lines of research our group has led in recent years–receiver designs to attain quantum limits of passive imaging (funded primarily by DARPA), and entanglement-enhanced photonic sensors (funded primarily by ONR)—to develop a thorough fundamental understanding, and practical system designs, for entanglement enhanced long-baseline imaging at the quantum-performance limit. Our research objectives are broken into three tasks, as described below.

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Ultra Low Overhead Photonic Quantum Computation Using a Squeezing Amplified Weak Cross Kerr Modulation