Photonic Quantum Systems Group (PhoQuS) Led by Prof. Saikat Guha at the University of Maryland, College Park

New Course Offering - Information in a Photon

Professor Saikat Guha will be teaching a new course at UMD for the Spring 2025 semester. This course will be open to both graduate and undergraduate students, and will be ideal for ECE students who would like to get a feel for why quantum treatment of light in the contexts of information processing (digital communications, sensing, imaging, etc.) offers fundamentally more powerful insights, and the design of systems with better performance than what is possible otherwise. No prior background in quantum mechanics, optics or information theory is necessary, but students who have a strong background in probability and linear algebra will find it the easiest to navigate the material.

ENEE 439G/739G: Information in a Photon

ECE Special Topics Course

Syllabus, Pre-requisites, and Course Objectives


The goal of this course is to develop a rigorous understanding of the fundamental limits of the efficiency with which one can encode information in, and extract information from light, broadly in the contexts of communications and sensing.

To develop this understanding, the course covers:

The course explores examples from communications and sensing, demonstrating how:

  1. Optical domain pre-processing of information-bearing light, and
  2. Novel receiver designs
    …can enhance information encoding and extraction compared to conventional means.

It introduces the concept of “quantum limits” of information processing, exploring the best possible efficiency for encoding information in light as permitted by physical laws.

Course Objectives

Students will develop an appreciation for the advantages of treating light as a quantum mechanical object to glean richer information compared to classical electromagnetic wave treatments.

Primary Goals:

This course assumes no background in optics, stochastic processes, quantum mechanics, information theory, or estimation theory. However, students should have proficiency in:


A background in quantum mechanics is not required but can be helpful.



Advanced Problems


Grades will be assigned on separate curves for undergraduate and graduate students.

Detailed Course Description

Modules Overview

The course is divided into three modules, each approximately 10 lectures.

Module 1: Pre-Detection Transformations of Information-Bearing Light

Module 2: Joint Detection Receiver for Optical Communications

Module 3: Novel Receivers for Optical Sensing and Imaging


The course concludes with a discussion of research avenues in:

Advanced mathematical principles needed for future graduate-level courses will also be outlined.

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